General remarks
Owner of the internet web page https://www.ordinacija is Specialistic neuropsychiatric ordinaton PINELPH.
On our web page we collect a very small amount of Your personal data ,only with Your complete understanding and agreement.You can retrieve Your agreement in each and every moment .After Your agreement retrieval all Your data will be erased in the period up to 30 days.
All Your data are accessible exclusively to the employees of the Specialistic Neuropsychaitric ordination Pinel Ph.Employees are obliged both legaly and by contract to respect patient data confidentiality.
Neuropsychiatric ordination Pinel Ph is collecting only the data considering the Name,Surname,Contact details as well as similar data. Neuropsychiatric ordination Pinel Ph is collecting the data from the site visitor concerning the IP adress,Web browser and domain.
Collecting of data
If You use this platform You are accepting that Your data will be used according to this privacy policy.Ordination Pinel Ph will use your personal data only according to the defined collecting purpose.The other condition is that You have agreed with the policy of the data collecting ,according to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and actual laws as well as other legal acts in Republic of Serbia which are protecting the personal data.
Change of personal data
Corection and change of data as well as data deleting by the user of our web site can be done by contact at the Email adress:
Use of data
Specialistic neuropsychiatric ordination Pinel Ph will use Your data for the purpose of Your information about all our activities as well as through the newsletter form.You have the possibility to chek out from our mailing list whenever You want.
If in the future will exist any obligation of the data revelation to the third party on the basis of the court decision and according to the law, we will inform You at time about this.This excludes only the case when the court demands secrecy or strict prohibition of this.
Ordination Pinel Ph have the obligation that all Your pesonal data collected through internet formulars,E-mail,FB pixel,Google analytics wont be given ,showed,rented or saled to any third party.Colected data wont be published ol misused.
Policy of Cookies
Ordination Pinel Ph use cookies for the very limited purposes.
Cookie is a very limited amount of data which our Internet page could send to Your browser,and afte r that it can be stored on the hard disc of Your PC.Cookies service is standard practice on the internet,and majority of the browsers are sert to accept the Cookies automatically.
If from any reason You dont want to use cookies technology it is posible to set Your browser to alert You ,allways when You receive Cookie from our web page or to refuse it.This is posible through the Help section in Your browser.
Ordination Pinel Ph could share links to the other internet pages,as well as they can linked our page.Other internet pages are functioning according to their own privacy policy.We do not have any control over this internet pages.Also we could not guarantee and be responsible for any content,advertising,product or any other material which is available on such a web page.
Disclaim of responsibility
You are using Internet web site of the ordination Pinel Ph on Your own risk.Owner of the web site is not responsible for any material or nonmaterial damage,which could occure directly or indirectly upon usage of it ,or it is in any relation with usage of this site and its content.
Social networks
Ordination Pinel Ph is using social networks in its comunication ,.For the usage of this networks it is necessary to use the service of the third parties.For example facebook platform of the ordination Pinel Ph could be reached by the users which have allready accepted Facebook Policy Privacy
Social media which we use are:
Neuropsychatric ordination Pinel Ph do not asks for personal identification of the children.Users of our web page site below the age of 14 should not leave any data on our web site.
Change of our privacy policy
Neuropsychiaric ordinaton Pinel Ph is storing and procesing the colected personal data in to the PC which is protected by the password .PC is reachable only by authorized persons.
Pinel Ph is reserving the right to change the Privacy Policy in every moment.Every change in Privacy policy becames legitime after its editing at the web page site https://www.ordinacija
Each user of our web site is obliged to read our actual Privacy Policy with all the changes.Every further usage of our web page site means that the user are informed with actual version with all the posible modifications.